PROJECT ACROSS - Teatr Węgajty

Short description:

"ACROSS" means the artistic research across various kinds of borders: the political and economical as well as the invisible borders keeping out of our world groups of maladjusted, disabled or simply poor people.

"ACROSS" is a journey from Wegajty through Hungary, Montenegro to Albania, with performances, documentary presentations and workshop meetings in the partners residencies, interactions with the local communities, with the aim to find new practical ways of communication and cooperation.

Detailed description:

Phase No 1: creation and preparation

Performances of the ACROSS-project

Theatre Węgajty: COLLAGE 1, COLLAGE 2 - work in progress based on rural spring traditions and new mask improvisations

BART Association: MARGA - theatrical work in progress based on Balkan village rituals with participation of local people in the performance

Documentaries of the ACROSS project

Theatre Węgajty: VISITORS - a collage of film materials from theatrical expeditions and work with people from Social Care Houses

David Zelinka, Karolina Placha: HIDDEN ART, HIDDEN VALUES - a presentation of field records, photos, and travel diaries about meetings with outstanding art hidden by the reason of the authors' poorness

The partner's activities linked with the ACROSS project:

Ilir Dragovoja: THE BLACK HOLE OF THE NEEDLE - a movie about Albanian refugees during the Hodja regime

Biljana Golubovic: PARADIZO - docu about theatrical work with schizophrenic patients

Divadlo na perone: HRANICA/HATÁR - presentation of a Slovak-Hungarian project, THE LINE - performance created during the project


- a journey of the Węgajty ensemble to the partners residencies with 4 barters. "Barter" means artistic gatherings with exchange of performances, common music and dance sessions with local communities, and presentations of theatre projects including:

Węgajty, Theatre Village Festival (MARGA,PARADIZO, HIDDEN ART, COLLAGE 1, VISITORS)

Pecs, SMART Association (COLLAGE 1, VISITORS)


Shkodra (theatre workshop and presentation, premiere of BLACK HOLE)

Phase No 3: autumn preparations and Węgajty AUTUMN FESTIVAL:

(exchange and presentations of Divadlo na Perone, theatre workshop and performance COLLAGE 2, polish premiere of BLACK HOLE)

The project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund   

Project partners:

barthometheatre    bart    sosemart
dragovoja    na peróne    ceik


copyright © teatr węgajty / projekt terenowy
design: G. Kumorowicz, S. Szostak