Theatre Węgajty. Fieldwork Project
11-042 jonkowo     węgajty 18     phone/fax: (0048-89) 5129297     art director: wacław sobaszek    
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Theatre Village 2017

author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 17, 2017

Theatre Village 2017
the art of coexistence, the beginnings

22 – 28 July

Theatre Village 2017

more: artistic program and workshops...

update 07.07.2017

mkidn  jonkowo  gmina olsztyn  Teatr Jaracza    lwt

lwt  lwt  altkom

gazeta olsztyńska  Nasz Olsztyniak

theatre village 2016

author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 12, 2016

THEATRE VILLAGE 2016 – Tropic Warmia

Węgajty, 18-23 July 2016

theatre village 2016

The Other Theatre School 2016

author: fieldwork project
date: Feb 28, 2016

Join the Other Theatre School for its third workshop and expedition of the year!

The Other Theatre School

For about twenty years we have been making annual expeditions to the Suwalki region of Poland, where village residents have preserved the local tradition of the "Alleluia Going". The event, prepared through the collaboration of workshop participants, alludes to rural forms of Easter carolling; however, it is also a search for multicultural, theatrical and authentic continuity oriented equally toward the past and the future. The group's "going" in the rural Suwalki borderland area is based on spring-themed folk songs from various regions of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. The journey ends in a final meeting of the village residents (and guests) on the night of "Wet" Easter Monday. The shared holiday celebration culminates in a performance created by workshop participants. Each year the development of this performance is an attempt at answering the question of how to work with traditional material. The turning point along this journey occurred in 2010, when we chose the theme of "roots and shoots" (named after Jane Goodall's organization). Elements such as earth and water, present in the oldest rituals, became a canvas for reflection on the future of the world. In this way we created the pieces "Water 2030" and "Earth B", which draw attention to imminent global environmental crises.

This year we invite people who are active and willing to take creative risks to participate in the next cycle of work.

Alelujki, The Other Theatre School 2016
21 - 29 of march
workshop and expedition

The workshop program includes the study of traditional motifs related to Easter carolling in the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarussian borderland, as well as the following:

physical and voice exercises
various forms of folk dance from different parts of Europe
development of work with carnival masks
creation of a performance with masks

The workshop will end with the expedition and Easter Carolling in the Suwalki region

If you are interested in participating in this project, we ask that you email us by 7 March at the latest. People who are new to The Other Theatre School's workshops are requested to provide three short descriptive statements

1. A description of your practical interests.
2. A description of related experience (participation in creative workshops run by theatre groups, musical groups, etc.)
3. A description of what you hope to gain from your participation in this venture.

Acceptance notifications will be sent by 9 March. Please be advised that space is limited. The workshop fee includes room and board, meals and transportation throughout the expedition to Suwalki.

The fee will be 470 PLN maximum. If we manage to find a more economical means of transport to the Suwalki region, this fee may be reduced.

Previous participants of The Other Theatre School's workshops may receive a reduced fee.

You will be required to bring warm comfortable, waterproof shoes and loose exercise attire, a warm sleeping bag and foam pad. The workshop will begin at 19.00

Theatre Village 2015

author: fieldwork project
date: Jul 5, 2015

Węgajty, Jonkowo, Gotki 18 – 25 July

Wioska Teatralna

artistic program

workshops and work groups

barrierenfreie Toilette im Theater

author: fieldwork project
date: May 18, 2015
  Crowdfunding für Theater Węgajty: Wir sammeln für eine barrierenfreie Toilette im Theater!

Über das Projekt und wie man spenden kann.


Wir möchten die enge und für körperlich beeinträchtigte Menschen völlig ungeeignete Toilette im Theater „Wegajty“ renovieren und für Rollstuhlfahrer zuänglich machen.

Sen nocy letniej

Das Projekt ist eine Antwort auf ein wirkliches, dringendes Bedürfnis. Heute kann sich niemand mehr Schulen, Behörden, Tankstellen oder Geschäfte ohne behindenertengerechte Toiletten vorstellen. Und ein Theater? Sollte es nicht allen zugänglich sein? Wenn dieses Theater sich dazu noch programmatisch gegen die Ausgrenzung engagiert und Inszenierungen mit Beteiligung von Menschen mit körperlichen Behinderungen veranstaltet? Wie soll es agieren wenn die Voraussetzungen dafür fehlen??

Jedno ze wspólnych spotkań w DPS…

Seit einigen Jahren realisieren wir Theaterprojekte in dem in unserer Nachbarschaft gelegenen Altersheim Jonkowo. Dort haben wir imJahre 2009 eine gemeinsame Theatergruppe ins Leben gerufen. Sie besteht aus Einwohnern des Seniorenheims und Schauspielern unseres Theaters. Wir haben bisher vier Stücke auf Textgrundlagen von solchen Autoren wie Wyspiański, Gombrowicz, Shakespeare und Bruno Schulz zur Aufführung gebracht. Die Proben und die Aufführungen finden sowohl im Seniorenheim als auch im Theater Węgajty statt. Wegen der mobile Einschränkungen unserer Gruppenmitglieder ist diese Arbeit organisatorisch nicht einfach.

Jedno ze wspólnych spotkań w DPS…

Der zweite Bereich unserer Aktivitäten, für den der Umbau unserer Toilette dringend notwendig ist, ist unser jährlich veranstaltetes Sommerfestival “Theatre Village”. Nicht nur im Zuschauerraum kann man hier Menschen mit Behinderungen finden. Auch unter den Darbietern des Festivals gibt es immer wieder Menschen auf Rollstühlen.
Wir träumen davon, dass das nächste, für die Zeit vom 18. Bis 25. Juli 2015 geplante Festival in einem barrierefreien, für alle Menschen zugänglichen Raum stattfinden wird. Im vergangenen Jahr haben wir die Kunst des Nicht-Ausgrenzens zum Thema unseres Festivals gemacht – nun wollen wir sie in konkrete, praktische Lösungen umsetzen.
Wer sind wir? Wo arbeiten wir?
Węgajty ist ein kleines, ermländisches Dorf, 18 km von der Stadt Olsztyn im Nordosten Polens entfernt. Hier haben sich Erdmute und Wacław Sobaszek im Jahre 1982 in einem ehemaligen Bauernhof angesiedelt. Die Scheune wurde zum Arbeitsplatz der Olsztyner “Pracownia”, eines interdisziplinären Zentrums für Kreativität und Forschung. 1986 entstand hier das Dorftheater Węgajty, welches sich 10 Jahre später in zwei Gruppen aufteilte: Schola Węgajty und Theater Węgajty. Seit 2003 organisiert das Theater Węgajty das Festival “Theatre Village” und seit 2008 das an den Berührungspunkt zwischen Theater unsd Therapie anknüpfende Programm “The necessary Theatre”.

Widok z górki na budynek Teatru

Im Wald befindet sich eine L ichtung, auf ihr ein kleines, unscheinbares Haus mit einer Scheune. Ein hölzerner Zigeunerwagen gehört noch zu diesem Theatergehöft. Nebenan findet der Besucher die aus grünen Zweigen geflochtene “Sommerbühne” und einen Steinkreis für die abendlichen Lagerfeuer. Auf der Tenne der Scheune haben schon viele erhitzte Diskussionen nach den Aufführungen stattgefunden, das Echo der Węgajtener Tanzfeste ist hier auch noch zu hören. Wenn man das Gebäude betritt, bekommt man im Kaminzimmer – dem hiesigen “Foyer” – Rauchgeruch in die Nase. Hier wartet man vor Beginn der Aufführungen auf das Sich-Ӧffnen der Eingangstür zum Theatersaal. Die hohe Saaldecke und der hölzerne Fuẞboden geben eine gute Grundlage zum Spielen und Zuschauen für alle. Auch an Rollstuhlrampen, die die Unebenheiten und Türschwellen ausgleichen, ist gedacht.

Spektakl Nieczekaj Lecilaty Teatru Lalek Gałązen z Dąbrowy Dolnej

Und nur die Toilette lässt zu wünschen übrig. Mit einem Rollstuhl kommt man garnicht erst hinein, es gibt kein warmes Wasser, von Haltegriffen und einem Wickeltisch ganz zu schweigen. Helft uns, das zu ändern!
Was wollen wir erreichen?
Die neue Toilette soll vor Allem funktional sein. Aber natürlich soll sie auch schön werden!

Wir werden alles umbauen müssen: Der Innenraum soll durch Neuverlegung von Klo, Waschbecken und Duschecke geräumiger werden, um ausreichend Platz zum Wenden für Rollstühle zu geben. Es wird aber auch nötig sein, eine Innenwand umzusetzen, eine neue, breitere Tür einzusetzen und ein neues Fenster in den benachbarten, durch den Umbau nun der Lichtquelle beraubten Küchenraum einzubauen. Drinnen in der Toilette wollen wir behindertengerechte Haltegriffe und entsprechende Armaturen einbauen: ein neues Klo, Waschbecken mit vom Rollstuhl aus erreichbarem Wasserhahn und einen speziellen Sitz unter der Dusche. Natürlich denken wir auch an Eltern mit Kindern, deshalb muss ein Wickeltisch her, unumgänglich ist auch ein Durchlauferhitzer, um endlich warmes Wasser zu haben. Die Wänden werden mit speziellen, extra für unser Projekt unendgeltlich hergestellten KACHELN bedeck. Der Entwurf der Keramikerin Vi. (Wiktoria Rutkowska) berücksichtigt die Möglichkeit, auf Wunsch der Spender ihre Initialen einzubrennen – ihr müsst nur so eine Kachel als Preis für Eure Spende aus unserer Liste auswählen!

Wir sind daran gewöhnt, in unserem Theater vieles auf der Basis von Freiwilligenhilfe zu machen, aber diesmal werden wir Fachleute anstellen müssen. Wir haben eine Firma aus der Nachbarschaft mit dem Umbau beauftragt, um mit dem Unternehmen lokale Arbeitsplätze zu unterstützen.
Liebe Spender! Die Regeln dieser Crowdfunding Aktion sind streng: wir müssen die im Kostenvoranschlag deklarierte Summe von 17 000 zł (ca 4050 Euro) zusammenbringen. Wenn die Spenden am Ende, d.h. am 7. Juni um 12.00 nicht auf diesen Stand gelangt sind, wird die Aktion ungültig gemacht, und alle Spender bekommen ihre Einlagen zurück. Das gibt den Spendern die Sicherheit, dass das gemeinsame Ziel, für welches gespendet wurde, wirklich erreicht wird. Die Spender haben aber auch ein Recht darauf, zu erfahren, auf welche Weise wir eventuelle, über die Summe vonn 17 000 zł herausgehende Einkünfte nutzen wollen: Wenn wir 18 500 zł bekommen, wollen wir ein einfaches, ökologisches Trockenklo hinter das Theater stellen, um die Warteschlangen während des Festivals etwas zu kürzen. Für weitere Spenden würden wir auch gerne die Toilette im Festivalbüro zuendebringen, die aus Mangel an Geld seit Jahren im Rohzustand verblieben ist.

Mai – 7. Juni: Sammelaktion
Juni: Bauarbeiten
Juni – August: Herstellen und Verschicken der Preise
18.-25. Juli: Festival “Theatre Village” – die feierliche Eröffnung der Toilette findet am ersten Tag des Festivals statt

Warum Crowdfunding:

Wir haben für unser Theater jahrelang intensives und erfolgreiches Fundrising betrieben. Jedoch aus formellen Gründen ist es für uns nicht möglich, für diese einfache Investition öffentliche Gelder zu bekommen. Aus eigenen Kräften schaffen wir es aber nicht! Aus diesm Grunde haben wir daran gedacht, uns an alle zu wenden, die aufgrund von gemensamen Ideen bereit sind, die Welt durch kleine Gesten verbessern zu helfen. Wir möchten durch unsere Aktion auch die Idee propagieren, dass alle öffentlichen Orte barrierefrei sein sollten.

Crowdfunding in Polen: das Spendeverfahren

Um an eine breite Öffentlichkeit zu gelangen haben wir uns dem in Polen sehr populären Spenden-Server Polakpotrafi angeschlossen. Der Spender bekommt auf diese Weise die Garantie, dass alles richtig läuft und gleichzeitig auch einen kleinen Anreiz: Für alle, die das möchten, stehen kleine Preise für die jeweilige Gabe bereit. Auf der rechten Seite des Tabs befindet sich eine Preisliste. Um zu spenden, muss man einen dieser Preise bzw. (wenn man keinen Preis will) die erste Position auf der Liste “Nagroda za 1 zł lub więcej” abrufen und das grüne Feld “Wesprzyj projekt” klicken. Erst dann kann man sich einloggen und – nachdem man den gespendeten Betrag bestätigt bzw. nach eigenem Ermessen korrigiert hat – zur Zahlung übergehen. Für Ausländer gibt es die Möglichkeit, in Euro zu zahlen. Dazu muss man den Zahlungs-Kanal “SEPA” aus der Liste der Banken auswählen, der einen je nach Wahl auf deutsch oder englisch die Zahlungsdaten für die Überweisung erstellt.
Noch ein Hinweis für alle, die sich einen Preis wählen wollen, der per Post geschickt wird: rechnet bitte die Porto-Kosten zu Eurer Spende dazu, weil die Kosten von Auslandspäckchen bzw. Briefen höher sind als im Inland!
Ja, und wenn all dies zu kompliziert ist … könnt ihr eure Spenden an unseren Partneverein Labsa überweisen. Wir haben nämlich vereinbart, das Labsa eure Spenden an uns weiterleitet!

IBAN: DE07430609674010132400

Steuernummer 314/5702/8160 Finanzamt Dortmund-West


1. 1 zł oder mehr: Spende ohne Preis

2. 5 zł oder mehr: Du bekommst eine Danksagung auf unserer Fanpage auf Facebook

3. 10 zł oder mehr: Nimm bei der Eröffnungsfeierlichkeit einen Händedruck unseres Bürgermeisters in Węgajty entgegen!

4. 12 zł oder mehr (+Porto): Du bekommst eine signierte Postkarte vom Theater Węgajty.

5. 15 zł oder mehr (+Porto): Wir schicken dir ein Plakat des Festivals „Theatre Village”!

6. 25 zł oder mehr: Du bekommst über deine e-Mail Adresse Zugang zur MP3 Datei von Paulina Miu Zielinska’s Komposition “Węgajty Untitled” – einer aus Musik, Theater, Naturlauten, Tänzen, Melodien, Improvisationen und allem, was das Theater umgibt gesponnenen Klangimpression.

7. 25 zł oder mehr (+gegebenenfalls Porto): Eine Einladung für 1 Person zu einer Festival Aufführung deiner Wahl.

8. 30 zł oder mehr: Du wirst zum Patron einer Aktions-Kachel im Kleinformat (5 x 5 cm), die an der Wand unserer Toilette angebracht wird. Auf Wunsch können wir deine Initialen einbrennen und dir zum Andenken eine Miniatur deiner Kachel als Anhänger schicken.

9. 35 zł oder mehr: (+Porto): Das Büchlein „Necessary Theatre” über unsere Arbeit im Seniorenheim (leider nur auf Polnisch)

10. 40 zł oder mehr: (+Porto+10 zł für englische Übersetzung ): Das Büchlein “Quellen für die Zukunft” über unsere ethnologisch-theatralen Expeditionen.

11. 41 zł oder mehr: (+Porto): ein Andenken an frühere Veranstaltungen – die CD “Reklama krajobrazu” mit Musik der Kult-Kapelle Rajd Maszyn

12. 42 zł oder mehr: (+Porto): oder mehr: (+Porto): ein Andenken an frühere Veranstaltungen – die CD “Sinusoida” des weissrussischen Gitarristen Aleks Maj.

13. 43 zł oder mehr: (+Porto): ein Andenken an frühere Veranstaltungen – die CD Śmieje się kat” mit Liedern aus Dagna Ślepowrońska’s Stücken.

14. 44 zł oder mehr: (+Porto): eine originale Milchflasche aus den Achzigern!

15. 45 zł oder mehr: (+Porto): ein T-Shirt mit Aufdruck unserer Veranstaltung “Sztuka w obejściu” aus dem Jahre 2013.

16. 45 zł oder mehr: (+Porto): die CD “Węgajty Untitled” – einer aus Musik, Theater, Naturlauten, Tänzen, Melodien, Improvisationen und allem, was das Theater umgibt gesponnenen Klangimpression mit handgefertigtem Cover.

17. 50 zł oder mehr: (+Porto): die CD von Waldemar Czechowskis Dokumentarfilm “Węgajty” (mit englischen Untertiteln) mit spezielle vom Autor entworfenem Cover.

18. 60 zł oder mehr (+gegebenfalls Porto): Du wirst zum Patron einer Aktions-Kachel in Mittelgröẞe (10 x 5 cm), die an der Wand unserer Toilette angebracht wird. Auf Wunsch können wir deine Initialen einbrennen und dir zum Andenken eine Miniatur deiner Kachel als Anhänger schicken.

19. 100 zł oder mehr: Gutschein zur Nutzung unseres Theatersaals für Proben, Workshop, Seminar o.ä. einer Gruppe, mit der du arbeitest, für 2 Stunden. Für jede weitere Stunde bitten wir um Erhöhung der Spende um jeweils 50 zł.

20. 120 zł oder mehr (+gegebenfalls Porto): Du wirst zum Patron einer Aktions-Kachel im Groẞformat (10 x 10 cm), die an der Wand unserer Toilette angebracht wird. Auf Wunsch können wir deine Initialen einbrennen und dir zum Andenken eine Miniatur deiner Kachel als Anhänger schicken.

21. 150 zł oder mehr (+ Porto): ein Kunstwerk aus dem Węgajtener Freundeskreis: “Podusznik”, gespendet von Świetlana.

22. 150 zł oder mehr (+ Porto): ein Kunstwerk aus dem Węgajtener Freundeskreis: Zeichnung, gespendet von Tadeusz Piotrowski.

23. 150 zł oder mehr (+ Porto): ein Kunstwerk aus dem Węgajtener Freundeskreis: Grafik, gespendet von Juliusz Batura.

24. 150 zł oder mehr (+ Porto): ein Kunstwerk aus dem Węgajtener Freundeskreis: Zeichnung, gespendet von Świetlana.

25. 200 zł oder mehr: Gutschein für einen ganztägigen Aufenthalt von zwei Personen im Theater Węgajty, incl. Kafee (Tee) trinken im Theater, Besuch des Theatermuseums mit Führung, einzulösen nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung.

26. 300 zł oder mehr: Gutschein für einen Theaterworkshop “Improvisationen” mit einer Kindergruppe, einzulösen nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung.

27. 350 zł oder mehr: Gutschein für einen ganztägigen Aufenthalt einer Gruppe im Theater Węgajty, incl. Kafee (Tee) trinken im Theater, Besuch des Theatermuseums mit Führung, einzulösen nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung.

28. 400 zł oder mehr: Gutschein für einen Theater- bzw. Tanzworkshop mit einer Gruppe von Erwachsenen bzw. Jugendlichen (Dauer: max. 3 Std.), einzulösen nach vorheriger Vereinbarung des Themas und Veranstaltungsdatums.

29. 600 zł oder mehr (+Reisekosten): Gutschein für einen Besuch mit Instrumentalmusik und Liedern in Ausführung von Erdmute und Wacław Sobaszek (im Umkreis von max. 100 km von Węgajty)

30. 700 zł oder mehr (+Anreisekosten): Gutschein für Zofia Bartoszewicz’s workshop “Transgressions of the Body”, in welchem der Körper, das wichtigste Instrument des Schauspielers, dem “beeinträchtigten” Körper entgegenkommt. Der Workshop enstand während Zofias Projekt mit Menschen, die mit schweren Behinderungen kämpften. Teilnehmerzahl max 12 Personen, Dauer bis 4 Std. (Bitte vorher Einzelheiten besprechen!)

31. 4500 zł oder mehr (+Anreisekosten): Wir führen für dich eines der neuesten Stücke des Theaters Węgajty auf: “Wielogłos” (“Poliphonie”), “Earth B” oder “Ogień, kryzys, dworzec centralny” (“Feuer, Krise und Hautbahnhof”) – Der Termin sollte mit ausreichend Vorlauf geplant werden!

32. 17000 zł oder mehr: Wow! Das hätten wir nicht gedacht!!! Das hätten wir uns nicht träumen lassen! Du bist zum Stifter der barrierenfreien Toilette im Theater Węgajty geworden! Das von der Keramikerin Vi. entworfene Kachel-Mosaik an der Wand des Theaters wird dir gewidmet sein, wir können auch ein ähnliches Mosaik an einer Wand in deinem Haus entwerfen und anbringen. Unsere Danksagung im Internet wird in die ganze Welt hinaus getragen werden!

theatre village festival 2014

author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 25, 2014

Theatre Village Festival 2014
18 – 25 July
Węgajty, Jonkowo, Gotki




Theatre Village

Alelujki, The Other Theatre School 2014

author: fieldwork project
date: Mar 8, 2014

Join the Other Theatre School for its third workshop and expedition of the year!


For about twenty years we have been making annual expeditions to the Suwalki region of Poland, where village residents have preserved the local tradition of the "Alleluia Going". The event, prepared through the collaboration of workshop participants, alludes to rural forms of Easter carolling; however, it is also a search for multicultural, theatrical and authentic continuity oriented equally toward the past and the future. The group's "going" in the rural Suwalki borderland area is based on spring-themed folk songs from various regions of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. The journey ends in a final meeting of the village residents (and guests) on the night of "Wet" Easter Monday. The shared holiday celebration culminates in a performance created by workshop participants. Each year the development of this performance is an attempt at answering the question of how to work with traditional material. The turning point along this journey occurred in 2010, when we chose the theme of "roots and shoots" (named after Jane Goodall's organization). Elements such as earth and water, present in the oldest rituals, became a canvas for reflection on the future of the world. In this way we created the pieces "Water 2030" and "Earth B", which draw attention to imminent global environmental crises.

This year we invite people who are active and willing to take creative risks to participate in the next cycle of work.

Alelujki, The Other Theatre School 2014
14 - 22 April
workshop and expedition

The workshop program includes the study of traditional motifs related to Easter carolling in the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarussian borderland, as well as the following:

physical and voice exercises
various forms of folk dance from different parts of Europe
development of work with carnival masks
creation of a performance with masks

The workshop will end with the expedition and Easter Carolling in the Suwalki region

If you are interested in participating in this project, we ask that you email us by 23 March at the latest. People who are new to The Other Theatre School's workshops are requested to provide three short descriptive statements

1. A description of your practical interests.
2. A description of related experience (participation in creative workshops run by theatre groups, musical groups, etc.)
3. A description of what you hope to gain from your participation in this venture.

Acceptance notifications will be sent by 18 March. Please be advised that space is limited. The workshop fee includes room and board, meals and transportation throughout the expedition to Suwalki.

The fee will be 470 PLN maximum. If we manage to find a more economical means of transport to the Suwalki region, this fee may be reduced.

Previous participants of The Other Theatre School's workshops may receive a reduced fee.

You will be required to bring warm comfortable, waterproof shoes and loose exercise attire, a warm sleeping bag and foam pad. The workshop will begin at 19.00.

Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
as part of the programme "Kolberg 2014 - Promesa"
realized by the Institute of Music and Dance.

mkidn mkidn mkidn

New Year Show 2014

author: fieldwork project
date: Jan 6, 2014
New Year Show 2014 (Szopka Noworoczna 2014), Nowica
The Other Theatre School, Węgajty


Szopka Noworoczna 2014, work in progress. A medley of personal and intimate threads and landmarks. Childhood memories and the most significant world news, which form our collective identity and influence our daily decisions.

Following the show we would like you to join us for a dancing party and a jam session with the village dwellers, Nowica 9 band and others.

When: 8th January 2014, 7 pm
Where: Primary School (Szkoła Podstawowa), Nowica next to Gorlice

The Other Theatre School - Zapusty workshop

author: fieldwork project
date: Jan 6, 2014
The Other Theatre School, Wegajty
- 'Zapusty' workshop

10th-16th February 2014

Workshop program:
- dance
- physical and vocal exercises
- etudes with the traditional animal mashkaras
- creating new carnival masks
- musical and folksong motifs
- improvisation and performance devising

More information: The Other Theatre School Zapusty

The enrollment deadline is the 20th January. Those who apply for workshops at the Other Theatre School for the first time, please describe your practice, interests, and experience, particularly from the areas of music, theatre and art. Also, specify your expectations regarding the workshop.

Places are limited.
Cost: 500 PLN (includes lunches, dinners, accommodation and local transport)

Theater Village Festival 2013

author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 17, 2013

Welcome to the Theater Village Festival

22 – 27 July 2013

Węgajty, Jonkowo, Gotki




accommodation and catering

The Other Theatre School - workshop

author: fieldwork project
date: Dec 31, 2012
  The Other Theatre School
workshop 4 - 10 th february 2013 - Węgajty

The New Carnival Masks

- traditional dances and improvised dances
- physical and vocal exercises- creating new carnival masks- old and new masks etiuds
- song tunes and music
- improvising a carnival show

More info: OTS Zapusty

The payment includes sleepings, dinners, suppers and travel: 500 zloty

Theatre Village Festival 2012 – here and now ... and there

author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 23, 2012
  Theatre Village Festival 2012 – here and now ... and there
(updated Jul 16)

21.07 Saturday
18:00 -
I am – theatre performance by Teatr Realistyczny (Skierniewice)
21:00 - Male Journey to the South – theatre performance by Krzysztof Dziemian, Marcin Lewoni, Krzysztof Rudowicz, Tobiasz Żuk (Suwałki)
Discussion about the performances

22.07 Sunday
18:00 -
Fire, Crisis, Central Station – work in progress presented by the Other Theatre School of the Wegajty Theatre, mis en scene: Wacław Sobaszek
20:00 - The Rebellion of the Net – meeting with Edwin Bendyk, moderation: Marek Barański
22:00 - rap - concert BŁG skład (Kawkowo, Pupki, Godki, Wołowno)
Concert Poeci jezior, the band: Maciek Łepkowski, Bartek Krajewski

23.07 Monday
17:00 -
Towards the Green Round Table – discussion with Edwin Bendyk, Maciej Łepkowski, Piotr Romanowski and Emilia Hagelglanz.
20:00 - Indignados – the newest movie of Tony Gatlif

24.07 Tuesday
16:30 -
Open drawing workshop by Tadeusz Piotrowski
19:00 - Pozor uż ne móżem - theatre performance by Delikates Theatre (Pisz)
21:00 - South Caravan - the expedition of Theatre Węgajty to Albania.
22:30 - Guitar meditations with wide closed eyes – concert of Aleks Maj

25.07 Wednesday
16:30 -
Invisible Places – film presentation of the project by Alicja Brudło
17:00 - Three islands - performance by Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka according to The Man with the Compound Eyes by Taiwanese writer Wu Ming-yi A Story which connects prophecy, ecological issues, myths and legends, fantasy and reality of Taiwan
Additional: A partiture for Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska – recycling exhibition by Paweł Górecki
Tajwan at the table about contemporary culture of Taiwan.
20:00 - Theatre of the Sound - Concert of the group Sol et Luna

26.07 Thursday
17:00 -
Mnemotechniki – workshop presentation by Katarzyna Regulska and Lena Rogowska
20:00 - The Black Hole of the Needle documentary film by Ilir Dragovoa anf Justyna Wielgus
22:00 - The songs of Marabut and Mandragora – concert of the Albedo Ansambl (Tratwa Association Olsztyn)

27.07 Friday
16.00 (In Węgajty village) -
Playground for Children and Adults outdoor event prepared by the collective Performeria Warszawy, music: The Catalan Band
19:00 - [ru:ts] #3 – performance by Jan Kuehling (Germany), Philipp Scholtysik (Germany), Yejin Kwon (South Corea) and Paulina Miu Zielińska (Poland)
21:30 - The Mouth of the Blind Corps - work in progress by Fabrice Nicot (Paris) and his students.

28.07 Saturday
11:00 -
Workshop Fusion – run by Wacław Sobaszek
17:00 - Peony, Mute, Voices - meeting with Krzysztof Gedroyć, the author of the book edited in Nowy Świat Editions 2012
19:00 - Forum – interactive performance Aktionstheater Halle

detailed program of the festival

detailed program of workshops

organizational matters


Stowarzyszenie "Teatr Węgajty"

Financial suport:
Minister Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Funduszu Aktywizacji Teatralnej Teatru im. Stefana Jaracza w Olsztynie

mkidn Teatr Jaracza

Commune Jonkowo

Other Theatre School - workshop and expedition

author: fieldwork project
date: Mar 9, 2012
  Join the Other Theatre School for its third workshop and expedition of the year!

For about twenty years we have been making annual expeditions to the Suwalki region of Poland, where village residents have preserved the local tradition of the "Alleluia Going". The event, prepared through the collaboration of workshop participants, alludes to rural forms of Easter carolling; however, it is also a search for multicultural, theatrical and authentic continuity oriented equally toward the past and the future. The group's "going" in the rural Suwalki borderland area is based on spring-themed folk songs from various regions of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. The journey ends in a final meeting of the village residents (and guests) on the night of "Wet" Easter Monday. The shared holiday celebration culminates in a performance created by workshop participants. Each year the development of this performance is an attempt at answering the question of how to work with traditional material. The turning point along this journey occurred in 2010, when we chose the theme of "roots and shoots" (named after Jane Goodall's organization). Elements such as earth and water, present in the oldest rituals, became a canvas for reflection on the future of the world. In this way we created the pieces "Water 2030" and "Earth B", which draw attention to imminent global environmental crises.

This year we invite people who are active and willing to take creative risks to participate in the next cycle of work from a new set of elements.

Alelujki, The Other Theatre School 2012
3 - 10 April
workshop and expedition

The workshop program includes the study of traditional motifs related to Easter carolling in the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarussian borderland, as well as the following:

physical and voice exercises
various forms of folk dance from different parts of Europe
development of work with carnival masks
creation of a performance with masks

The workshop will end with the expedition and Easter Carolling in the Suwalki region

If you are interested in participating in this project, we ask that you email us by 14 March at the latest. People who are new to The Other Theatre School's workshops are requested to provide three short descriptive statements

1. A description of your practical interests.
2. A description of related experience (participation in creative workshops run by theatre groups, musical groups, etc.)
3. A description of what you hope to gain from your participation in this venture.

Acceptance notifications will be sent by 18 March. Please be advised that space is limited. The workshop fee includes room and board, meals and transportation throughout the expedition to Suwalki.

The fee will be 450 PLN maximum. If we manage to find a more economical means of transport to the Suwalki region, this fee may be reduced to 390 PLN.

Previous participants of The Other Theatre School's workshops may receive a reduced fee.

You will be required to bring warm comfortable, waterproof shoes and loose exercise attire, a warm sleeping bag and foam pad. The workshop will begin at 19.00.

Workshop "Zapusty"

author: fieldwork project
date: Dec 31, 2011
  The Other Theatre School - Workshop "Zapusty"
12th - 19th february 2012


- dances
- body and voice exercises
- acting with traditional animal puppets
- making new carnival masks
- song tunes and music
- improvisations

Number of places is limited!

Please send your aplications 15 days until the beginning of the workshop. If you didnt yet participate in our workshops, you are asked to describe your own practical interests, your experiences in music, theatre, art and your expectations concerning our workshop.

Payment includes: dinners, suppers, places for sleeping and local transport - 400 PLN



author: Erdmute Sobaszek
date: Nov 22, 2011
  Many thanks to all who supported us with his signature for a petition against the liquidation center, "Węgajty" at the Olsztyn Centre for Education and Cultural Initiatives!

The South Caravan

author: fieldwork project
date: Aug 18, 2011
  The South Caravan, the journey of our theatre to Hungary, Montenegro and Albania, from 20th august to 15th september. It is a cycle of meetings, workshops, fieldworks, performances - Water 2030 and The Earth B - which will be realized according to the project "Visitors", financed by European Cultural Foundation and according to the project "Across", financed by visehrad Foundation. If you are interested, please contact us by email or by telephone.

village theatre / fieldwork project



author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 29, 2011
  theatre village 2011

that is: what is going on with the world? How is one supposed to live? - questions usually undertaken by theatre. This time in the current aspect of the disappearance of local bonds, global tensions and ecological threats.

more information about performances and workshops

Workshop "Zapusty"

author: fieldwork project
date: Jan 20, 2011
  Theatre Węgajty / fieldwork project
28th february - 6th March 2011

The Other Theatre School

Workshop "Zapusty"

body and voice exercises
acting with traditional animal puppets
making new carnival masks
song tunes and music

Number of places is limited

Please send your aplications 15 days until the beginning of the workshop. If you didnt yet participate in our workshops, you are asked to describe your own practical interests, your experiences in music, theatre, art and your expectations concerning our workshop.

Payment for the beginners includes: dinners, suppers, places for sleeping and local transport - 350 PLN

The workshop is supported by the European Cultural Foundation


Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych
Stowarzyszenie "Teatr Węgajty"

"Alilujki", workshop and Easter expedition

author: fieldwork project
date: Jan 20, 2011
  The Other Theatre School
"Alilujki", workshop and Easter expedition
19th - 25th April 2011

The workshop programme:

motifs of the traditional custom called "going with alleluyah", from the polish - lithuanian - belorussian borderland
folk dances, physical and voice exercises, songs
improvisations, work with carnival masks, dramaturgy of the maskshow

Please send your aplication latest 20 days before starting day o the workshop. If you still didnt paricipate in workshops of The Other Theatre School, please send three short descriptions, concerning our questions:
1.What are your occupations, practical interests, job, school etc?

2.Your experiences, participation in workshops, in the artistic work, theatre groups, music bands...
3.What can you say about your expectations concerning our project?

The payment: 390 PLN includes prices of of sleepingplaces, dinners, suppers and travel from Wegajty to Suwalki district.

Necessary things: sleepingbag and karimat, shoes and clothes good for heavy conditions, rains, snows.

Start of the workshop: 19.00, 19th April.

The workshop is supported by the European Cultural Foundation


Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych
Stowarzyszenie "Teatr Węgajty"

program on "Autumn"

author: fieldwork project
date: Oct 26, 2010
Węgajty – Szałstry
12-14 November 2010

FRIDAY, 12. NOVEMBER 6.00 p.m,
Węgajty theatre center

IWONA MARRIED performance by Węgajty Theatre / fieldwork Project based on Gombrowicz
staged by: Wacław Sobaszek
a pre-premiere show
After the famed Synczyzna from before 5 years, based on parts of The Wedding and Transatlantic, we come back to the texts of the author of Ferdydurke. The play Iwona – Married came into being, the result of two years of cooperation with the environment of the House of Social Help in Jonkowo

8 p.m
with Fieldwork Band (Kapela Terenowa)

Dragan Dragin: portraits of Montenegro shepherds and documentation of a Praha project Temporarily in use

SATURDAY 13. OCTOBER5 p.m. Węgajty theatre center

About networking artistic actions. Meeting and workshop Mapping the future,
Run by: Emilia Hagelganz (Two Gardens - Dortmund, Olsztyn)
Szolga Hajnal - "Zaffi" (Synopsis Festival Pecs)
Milena Jaworska (Warsaw)

8 p.m.

performance, documentation and reflection accompanying the dying of a 100 years old burgerhouse in Praha
Realization: Biljana Golubowic and the ensemble of the association BART.

The author, of Montenegro descent, about her project:
Millions of people in the whole people have no home. Over a half of the population of the planet is on the move. Contemporary man is most often far away from his home, traveling.
Are we all immigrants, are we all nomads looking for Home? The history of the house provoked us to recall memories and reconstruct our visions of Home.
This is the second, theatrical part of the project, the first one was presented during the festival Theatre Village.

9 p.m.

an audio-visual performance by Peter Takats (Pecs) with Szolga-"Zaffi" Hajnal. The author is an artist working with the media, he works with electronic music, sounds of the future, the senses and interactivity.

SUNDAY, 14. NOVEMBER, 12 a.m. in the Theatre Center Węgajty

WATER 2030 a workshop presentation of the Autumn workshop exchange

5 p.m., in the space of Social Therapy Day Stay Place in Szałstry

a performance for children and adults, by workshop group, under instruction of Justyna Wielgus and Ilir Dragovoja (Albania)


Association of "Theatre Wegajty"
Centre for Education and Cultural Initiative
Social Welfare Home "Jutrzenka" Jonkowo
District Szalstry



Theatrical Autumn

author: fieldwork project
date: Oct 9, 2010
theatrical workshop
in the frame of Theatrical Autumn

10th-14th of November

in Wegajty Theatre

leading: Ilir Dragovoja & Justyna Wielgus

The work will be based on movement and on puppeteer techniques. During the five days of the workshop the group will prepare a performance for children and adults which will be presented at the finish of the "Theatrical Autumn" in the village Szalstry near Wegajty.

Justyna Wielgus and llir Dragovoja about their intention:

We will try to understand the essence of reproduction of the reality through the puppets. How the fantasy leads to search and find the language of the expression.
Everything starts from the imagination...
Our work is drawing inspiration directly from the lives mixed with the fairies and folktales. Participants will learn hands-on how to design puppets. Working collaboratively we will search, discover, develop and perform.
The work is composed from many elements of actor's training: movement, voice, improvisation, animation of puppets, creating of solo and groups etudes. The work will be closed by open performance. The workshop is opened for everybody who is ready for the intensive work and it will be leaded in Polish and English language.

Justyna Wielgus (Poland/Albania) - actress, movement teacher, cultural animator. She cooperated with the Wegajt Theatre for years. Since 2007 she is cooperating with the Centre of Performing Arts.

Ilir Dragovoja (Albania) - director, actor, cultural animator. He worked with theatre companies in Romania, France, Brazil and Hungary. Founder of the Centre of Performing Arts.

beginning of the workshop: 10th November - 18.00
the finish of the workshop: 14th November after the presentation
Payment: about 150-180 PLN, the payment will cover the accommodation costs

Deadline for application: 20th October.
If you did not participate in our workshops yet, please, send some information about you, as: your experiences from work in theatre groups and about what do you expect from participation.
Confirmation about your participation in workshop will be sent till 24.10.2010

The workshop is a part of the "Theatrical Autumn" we organized 12-14th of November in Wegajty, Olsztyn and Szalstry. About the program of the whole meeting we will inform soon at our website.


Association of "Theatre Wegajty"
Centre for Education and Cultural Initiative
Social Welfare Home "Jutrzenka" Jonkowo
District Szalstry



Theatre Village - program information

author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 15, 2010
Festival Theatre Village 2010
Extending public space – actions against exclusion, renovating local bonds, ecologisation
25 – 31 July in Węgajty, Gotki, Nowe Kawkowo and Jonkowo

Sunday, 25 July, Jonkowo, Węgajty

17.00 Iwona poślubiona (Iwona – married)

20.00 Węgajty Theatre
A Cradle For Rent (Kolebka do wynajęcia)

Monday, 26 July, Węgajty

A prologue for a comedy

18.00 Visitors/przybysze

20.00 Audiostacja

Tuesday, 27 July, Węgajty

Heman and Shela, xxy an unsolved equation

20.00 Open Dance Course

22.00 films about globalism and planetary threat

Wednesday, 28 July, Węgajty

Workshop presentations: Boat of Fools, Stamatis Efstatiou and others

18.00 Creating reality in children\'s theatre

20.30 William and William

21.30 Dům

Thursday, 29 July, Węgajty, Gotki, Nowe Kawkowo

Walking to Nowe Kawkowo. In the course of the walk, in Gallery Ręką Dzieło (Handy Craft Gallery), Gotki:
Water 2030

20.00 Nowe Kawkowo
To Ring to Fly, (Dzwonić lecieć), a street theatre performance based on Daniło Charms

21.00 Nowe Kawkowo
Krótka Polka (Olsztyn) will play traditional dance music

Friday, 30 July

Event "Years of fight"

17.00 Society on display (Społeczeństwo na wystawie). Art from Taiwan

20.00 Annouchka has spilt the oil again! Magical Variettes

22.00 Film trailers

Saturday, 31 July

in the middle of Węgajty village
Festival of Children. Games, plays, workshops

18.00 Nieczekaj Lecilaty (Do Not Wait, Flysome!)

20.00 This Human Body is Called a City with Eleven Gates

21.00 Jam Session




Association of "Theatre Wegajty"

Centre for Education and Cultural Initiative


Commune Jonkowo

Alternative Education Workshop

Social Welfare Home "Jutrzenka" Jonkowo

District Węgajty

District Nowe Kawkowo


Visegrad Fund

The project is supported by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation
Gefördert aus Mitteln der Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit

European Cultural Foundation

Voivodeship self-government of Warmia and Mazury

Altkom Akademia SA

Warmiński Bank Spółdzielczy

Niczuk Metall - Pl Sp.J.

Thanks for your help material:

ZHP "Rodło" Olsztyn

Association of Szałstry

Association of "Ręką Dzieło"

For his kind and generous support we thank

Mariusz Kozielski and Ryszard Choiński

theatre village festival – workshops

author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 14, 2010
  26 – 28.7.2010
Theatre workshop, run by: Marek Kościółek, Teatr Krzyk

26 – 28.2010
"Boat of Fools" , theatre workshop
Run by: Stamatis Efstathiou ("Atropos" theatre centre, Greece)

Archaic and Lithuanian song workshop – Paulina Zielińska

27 – 28.7.2010
Audiostacja, rapping workshops, by the group of Audiostacja

29 – 30.7.2010
butoh dance, run by: Ken Mai

29 – 30.7.2010
Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka, poetry writing workshop "Słownik NWP" (Dictionary of New Polish Words)

"Ephemeral dance" ("Taniec ulotny") and "Tango Contact"
run by: Zofia Bartoszewicz, Erdmute Sobaszek, Wacław Sobaszek, Ula Wojtkowiak

Fusion, theatrical "Jam session" joining elements of all the workshops, run by: Wacław Sobaszek

29 – 31.7.2010
All children are invited to join in the preparation and realisation of the performance Nieczekaj Lecilaty (Do not Wait, Flysome!) (participation free of charge)


A starry jamboree (Zlot gwiaździsty)
– music event by the ensemble from the "Hol-ter" association (Hungary)


We suggest following workshops fees:

1 day workshop (3-4 hours) – 30 zl.
With except of workshop Audiostacja – Falenica (2 hours) – 20 zl.

Applications for workshops we accept via email on the adress: till 30.6.
Please, use the subject of email WORKSHOP APLLICATION, it wil helps us to collect applications from the other emails.
In application we kindly request the information about our previous theatre workshops.
If you did not participate in our workshops yet, please, write some information about you, as:

- your experiences from work in theatre groups or any kind of theatrical workshops or similar educational forms
- your work, occupation, college, university?
- what do you expect from participation in workshops of the festival?

Confirmation about your participation in workshop will be sent till 7.7.2010


Visitors - a network of necessary theatre

author: fieldwork project
date: Mar 15, 2010
  Our new project for 2010/2011:
Visitors - a network of necessary theatre

Theater groups find their way to refugee centers, prisons, distant villages. They work on performances and during a common event they provoke a dialog with the audience. The dialog introduces further activity, the spectators become actors. Together, with partner groups and centers we create a network of such activities. Phases:

* Workshop exchange: building of practical bridges between very remote options. Between theater working in micro communities of Social Care Houses and radical theater of youth revolt, pararitual theater acting in ethnic borderlands, intervention Forum theater, others.

* Visits: The members of partner companies and cultural animation students create new workshop groups. We develop performances referring to the cultural context of communities in Albania, Greece, Germany and in Poland. Visits: theater events including those communities' participation. Draft titles of the performances are: Burgunda, Forum Theater, Trojan Women, New Year Show, Animals Carnival, Alilujka & Maskenspiel, Syncretic Carnival, i>Spring of People

* Visitors Meeting: weblog, film documentation, analyses gathered during seminary sessions. For new forms of expression, therapy, communication. For the theatre which is needed.

Instytut Kultury Polskiej
Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Kultury
Center of Performing Arts & Flying Cow Productions
Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych
Freunde der Borussia Olsztyn/Allenstein e.V.
Labor fuer sensorische Annehmlichkeiten
Stowarzyszenie teatr Krzyk
Aktionstheatergruppe c/o KubultubuRebell e.V.

The Other Theatre School

author: fieldwork project
date: Feb 24, 2010
  "Alilujki", workshop and Easter expedition
30th march - 6th april

The workshop programme:
motifs of the traditional custom called "going with alleluyah", from the polish - lithuanian - belorussian borderland
folk dances, physical and voice exercises, songs
improvisations, work with carnival masks, dramaturgy of the maskshow

Please send your aplication latest 20 days before starting day o the workshop. If you still didnt paricipate in workshops of The Other Theatre School, please send three short descriptions, concerning our questions:
1.What are your occupations, practical interests, job, school etc?
2.Your experiences, participation in workshops, in the artistic work, theatre groups, music bands...
3.What can you say about your expectations concerning our project ?

The payment: 430 PLN includes prices of of sleepingplaces, dinners, suppers and travel from Wegajty to Suwalki district. If we will manege to find cheaper way of travelling the summon will be reduced to 390 PLN
Necessary things: sleepingbag and karimat, shoes and clothes good for heavy conditions, rains, snows.

Start of the workshop: 19.00, 30 of march.

Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych
Stowarzyszenie "Teatr Węgajty"

Necessary Theatre

author: fieldwork project
date: Feb 24, 2010
  Remarks on the realization of the 2009
"Theatre Village" Project

Imagine a place where you can be yourself. Where you do not hear the roar of traffic beneath your window, but only the sounds of chirping birds, laughing children and maybe a barking dog. Where instead of driving to reach your destination, you walk down quiet country roads. Where art is not the domain of the privileged few, but an experience which all might share.


author: fieldwork project
date: Dec 12, 2009
  the Old Year Celebration 18. dec. 2009, 19.00

9-14 of february 2010: "Zapusty", workshops in theatre Wegajty

autumn dates

author: fieldwork project
date: Sept 28, 2009
  We invite you to the jam session
at the Theater Wegajty - 10 of october, 20.00

and also to following events:

Wesele. Domena publiczna
17 of october, 17.00 Teater Wegajty
para-spectacle performed by Haz beszkwej the group of inhabitants o Social Help House in Jonkowo and practitioners from Theatre Wegajty, led by Wacław Sobaszek

Missa pagana
23 of october, Warsaw (Port Czerniakowski)
open air performance by Mieczysław Litwiński

Theatre Village 2009 - first programme news

author: fieldwork project
date: Jul 8, 2009
Workshop cycle "Atelier Halle - Köln - Węgajty"

* "The Theatre of the Opressed"- Aktionstheatergruppe Halle
* "Voice and Improvisation", Zofia Bartoszewicz
* "Contact - Tango", Urszula Wojtkowiak
* "Drawing and Writing", meeting with the author of the book Tfu! Z ludźmi! Tamara Bołdak-Janowska
* "Singing and Voice", Zuzanna "Saba" Litwińska, Mieczysław Litwiński
* Gypsy dances, Beata Burakowska (Romano Trajo, Köln)
* Theatre workshop led by Maria Nora (LivingtheatreProjekt, Köln)
* "Exercises, Dances, Improvisations", Erdmute & Wacław Sobaszek

A summary of all workshops will be the "Theatrical Jam Session" at the last festival day.


Festival programme

26 of july

17.00 (Jonkowo) Wedding - public domaine, paraspectakcle with "Haz beszkwej" the group working in the House of Social Help, directed by Wacław Sobaszek
21.00 (Węgajty): Don Quijote - monospectacle by Martin Frys directed by Jana Pilatova*

27 of july

17.00 Meeting with the team of the project of Wesele - domena publiczna
19.00 Wydech - theatre performance by Teatr Krzyk directed by Marek Kościółek
21.00 Darwin's Nightmare - documentary film by Hubert Sauper about people from the area of Victoria's Lake's Coast in Africa. An extraordinary document of globalization.

28 of july

17.00 Tfu! Z ludźmi! Meeting with author of the book Tamara Bołdak-Janowska during the meeting: a drawing and writing workshop
19.00 The Ballad of sweet Dafne - spectacle of the group from the Center for Women's Rights, directed by Dagna Ślepowrońska and Maria Depta
21.00 Open Dance Course led by Erdmute & Wacław Sobaszek

29 0f july

17.00 (Jonkowo, school): Tales from the Terek Valley - performance by the children group of Chechnya refugees, led by Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Kultury* with Nela Brzezińska, Daniel Brzeziński, Katarzyna Regulska
19.00 The Blue Express - performance. A project in the youth prison Warsaw Falenica realized by Lena Rogowska, Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Kultury
21.00 Concert and improvisation - Berlin bands: Ej Bekot oraz Lonski & Classen*

30 of july

17.00 (in Godki): The Polish Jungle - project by Teatr Realistyczny from Skierniewice: an open air exhibition based on Ryszard Kapuściński and his early book, coordination: Piotr Zatoń
19.00 (in the Ręką Dzieło Gallery nearby Godki): Theatre of the Opressed, - a show of Aktionstheatergruppe Halle/ Germany and participants of their workshop
21.00 (Węgajty Theatre): The Yesterday Fashion Orchestra, Stowarzyszenie Tratwa, Olsztyn - concert of traditional music

31 of july

17.00 Prof. Anna Wyka (Collegium Civitas, Warsaw): About Ryszard Kapuściński
18.30 The Polish Jungle - theatre performance by Teatr Realistyczny, directed by Robert Paluchowski
20.00 Romano Trajo (Köln) - a concert of gypsy music*

1 of august

18.00 Teremiski Stories - a spectacle by Katarzyna Winiarska and Paweł Winiarski based on storytellings from their village (Białowieża wilderness)
19.00 Workshop demonstration - elaborated by Maria Nora (The Living Theatre- Köln) with the members of her workshop group
20.30 music jam session & dance

2 of august

12.00 Theatrical jam session
17.00 A crossroad of the workshop's paths
19.00 Process by Franz Kafka - a performance of the Svabodny Theatre from Brześć, White Russia, directed by Oksana Gaiko

Attention: This program is going to be corrected and changed


Payment and applications:

- accommodation: price for one night 20-50 zł according to the place of accommodation, tent: 8-10 zł/person, lunch: 13-14 zł, supper 5 zł. Please send e-mail application for accommodation to address:, subject: POBYT
- performances and concerts (only position with asterisk) - 15 zl, concessionary tickets - 10 zł, e-mail reservation:, subject: REZERWACJA
- workshops (exclude drawing workshop by Tamara Bołdak - Janowska and theatre jam session): 20 zł by one day, concessionary - 15 zł
Send application for workshop on e-mail address: till 15 July. Use as subject: WARSZTATY. Please send information about yourself, in particular:
your artistic experience, workshops in which you took part
expectation towards our proposition

We will confirm your participation till 16 July. If you want to apply after these time, please phone, our number: (0048) 089 5129297


Association of Theater Węgajty
Center for Education and Cultural Initiatives

Project realized from aid of Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

Project supported by The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation
Gefördert aus Mitteln der Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit

financial aid from:

Altkom Akademia SA

Warmiński Bank Spółdzielczy

Fundacja J&S Pro Bono Poloniae

Niczuk Metall - Pl Sp.J.

Press patronage - Gazeta Wyborcza

hunger-strike against GMO

author: fieldwork project
date: Mar 28, 2009
  In Poland for the last few days eight people have been continuing a hunger-strike against GMO. The strike was initiated by two organic farmers: Mrs Edyta Jaroszewska and Mrs Danuta Pilarska. One person has not been eating for 15 days. They are protesting against uncontrolled genetically modified crops, especially MON 810 and widely used GMO animal fodder. Support their action and send the letter to Prime Minister Donald Tusk. More information about the action and the letter you will find:

some spring dates

author: fieldwork project
date: Mar 10, 2009
  Attention, attention: Festival Theatre Village this year will be from 26 of July to 2nd August.

Now we want to inform you about some spring dates:

- workshop and Easter expedition (7-14 April)
- workshop Spring holiday (30 April and 1 May)
- Spring holiday (2 May)
- Endgame - Christian Bredholt and a team from Danmark, performance according to Beckett, direction by Uta Motz (23 May)

Workshop "Zapusty"

author: fieldwork project
date: Jan 17, 2009
  3 - 8 february 2009

The Other Theatre School

Workshop "Zapusty"

body and voice exercises
acting with traditional animal puppets
making new carnival masks
song tunes and music

Number of places is limited

Please send your aplications 15 days until the beginning of the workshop. If you didnt yet participate in our workshops, you are asked to describe your own practical interests, your experiences in music, theatre, art and your expectations concerning our workshop.

Payment for the beginners includes: dinners, suppers, places for sleeping and local transport - 350 PLN

The Other Theatre School - Workshops and expeditions

author: fieldwork project
date: Dec 13, 2008
  The Other Theatre School - Workshops and expeditions


body and voice exercises
acting with traditional animal puppets
song tunes and music

1. colenda 3 - 9 of january 2009, workshop: Węgajty, expedition: Beskid Niski

2. zapust 3 - 8 of february 2009, Węgajty

Number of places is limited

Please send your aplications 15 days until the beginning of the workshop. If you didnt yet participate in our workshops, you are asked to describe your own practical interests, your experiences in music, theatre, art and your expectations concerning our workshop.

Payment for the beginners includes: dinners, suppers, places for sleeping and local transport - 350 PLN


author: fieldwork project
date: Nov 14, 2008
  We have got an excellent price Pro publico bono. The title of giving us this price was Theatre Vilage - festival, and everything happened in Cracow, during The Day of Independence 11 of novembre.

Lets be happy all fans of the festival!!!

Our piece Synczyzna, The Sonland in Gdańsk, 28 of novembre, 19.00, Klub Żaka

Kalevala on 30 of nov. 18.00 in Theatre Węgajty


author: fieldwork project
date: Aug 7, 2008
Practicing the vocal structures of the ancient
vibrating song we experience something that
memory and perception have forgotten:
A state of being outside of chaos.


With Alfred Buchholz and Cenco Atzeni

There is an ancient heredity in which it is believed that
sound and the word were the primordial cause at the origin of every thing, at the origin of man himself; that sound was a creative spring of matter and that the human voice could have a creative force.

The vocal practices surprise us for their simplicity and for the extreme rigor with which they hold the attention of the singer. It is not only a vocal exercise. A song is not a lengthening of thought, spoken out loud, nor is it the will to seek an expression. It is the sonority of breathing, the resonance of sound in the body and in space.

The voice is incarnated in me. I try to discover the source of the voice and free the sonorous breathing. I try to recognize the places of the body’s resonance. I try to learn what helps me and what disturbs me in re-finding the sonority of the voice inside me and in the space around me. Until I become a live instrument that generates sound. Until I become sound. I feel the vibration of breathing and I am aware of the space. I see and I feel the space.

Song unites human beings with the space. I hear the silence and I am alert in song, I rest in song. Is it I who sings or something that sings in me? Something ancestral that lives deep inside me awakes and sings. I am a witness.

SONG IS AN ACTION. The vocal practices articulate a life process. They break down to elementary expression, to the truth. It can happen that I discover an active force in song: confidence, trust.

Song unites a human being with another human.
We improvise. We try to create, in action, a new song,

Ewa Benesz

The VOCAL PRACTICES come from ancient Oriental traditions and from the experience in Jerzy Grotowski’s Theatre Laboratory in Wroclaw, Poland.

From: Thursday 25th, 4p.m to Sunday 28 September. The residential experience.

Ewa Benesz, Phone +39 339 2273126 - mail: evabenesz(at)yahoo(dot)it, ewabenesz(at)yahoo(dot)it
TEATR WEGAJTY: Phone + 48 89 5129297 - mail: teajty(at)free(dot)art(dot)pl

EWA BENESZ, a Polish actress, a BA from the University of Lublin and a diploma in the Dramatic Arts in Warsaw. She worked in the Instytut Aktora -Teatr Laboratorium directed by Jerzy Grotowski in Poland. In 1970, together with three colleagues from the Warsaw Dramatic Arts School, she founded the Theatre Study. In the years 1975-76 she taught Theory of the Culture and History of Contemporary Theatre at the University of Lublin.

From 1980 to 1996 she collaborated with Rena Mirecka in the paratheatrical projects: "Be here, now…Towards", "The way to the centre" and "Now it's the Flight" carried out in Europe, America and Israel.

From 1997 she conducts paratheatrical and theatrical experiences: "TO BE", "TOWARDS THE ORIGIN", "THE ACTOR'S PRIMARY PRACTICES" which take place in various European cities and localities.

She collaborates with the Universities degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples, Degli Studi of Catania, Ca’ Foscari of Venice in Italy and M.Curie Sklodowska of Lublin in Poland.

She lives in the Sardinian mountains where she is developing practical research inspired by ancient Sanskrit Vedic texts.

Things to bring: comfortable clothes for movement, a belt for stretching exercises, a scarf to cover head and shoulders. For women: a long wide skirt. For musicians: a musical instrument


author: fieldwork project
date: Jun 27, 2008

preliminary program

preliminary program of workshops

festival payments, organization questions

Festival Theatre Village

author: fieldwork project
date: Apr 28, 2008
  If you are interested in the voluntary work during the festival Village Theatre which takes place on 23-29 of July please send short information about your occupation and the experiences.


The deadline of the acceptance - 1 of July. The number of places is limited!

The next performances

author: fieldwork project
date: Apr 7, 2008
  The next performances:

- 18th of April at 7 p.m. in Elbląg - Synczyzna (Sonland) after: Ślub (The Wedding) and Trans-Atlantyk by Witold Gombrowicz

- 1st of May Kalevala in Teremiski

- 3d of May Kalevala in Nowica

For further information ask the theatre office.

Attention! The festival "Theatre Village" will take place this year at 19th to 26th of July

The Other Theater School

author: fieldwork project
date: Feb 9, 2008
  "Alelujki - Workshop and Easter Expedition"

19 - 26 of march 2008

Program of the workshop:

european folk dances
body and voice exercises
song tunes and music
acting with traditional animal puppets and masks

Program of the expedition:
carrolling on the polish-lithuanian borderland

Number of places is limited

Please send your applications until 20 of february. If you didnt yet participate in our workshops, you are asked to describe:

1. your own practical interests,
2. your experiences in music, theater, art and
3. your expectations concerning our workshop.

Payment 400 PLN is a price for beginners, the other participants my receive ruduction of this price.

What will be needed: shoes against bad wheather, dressing for exercises, warm sleepingbag and karimat
The start at 19.00

New carnival masks - Workshop

author: fieldwork project
date: Dec 24, 2007
  The Other Theater School

New carnival masks - "zapust"

29 I - 3 II 2008

European folk dances
body and voice exercises
acting with traditional animal puppets
song tunes and music
creating masks and scenes for the syncretic show "Ostatki, zapusty"

Number of places is limited

Please send your applications until 15 of January. If you didnt yet participate in our workshops, you are asked to describe your own practical interests, your experiences in music, theater, art and your expectations concerning our workshop.

Payment for the beginners includes: dinners, suppers, places for sleeping and local transport - 350 PLN

Festival Theatre Village 2007

author: Hannah Harvester
date: Dec 16, 2007
  One freezing night during the 5th annual "Wioska Teatralna" Festival at Teatr Wegajty, we all huddled over cups of steaming Thai soup in the wooden barn that served as the theater's museum, lecture hall, movie theater, cafe and dance floor. The July nights were cold, but the savory, aromatic soup, made by a friend of the theater, hit the spot. "Music, food and spirit," said Mieczyslaw Litwinski, who was leading a song workshop that week with Saba Krasoczko. He elaborated: "I used to say, music and spirit. But good food is just as important." The next morning during a voice and body workshop we played a circle game involving naming our favorite foods. We played in English, and the foods were kept simple: bread, butter, apples?until one woman said: "Thai soup." In another context, this may have sounded strange. Instead a wave of sound passed around the circle: "mmmm." Everyone had eaten the same soup the night before, inhaled its fragrance, been warmed by it in the cold night. For at least a few hours, Thai soup was everyone's favorite food. It united the festival's "villagers" as much as the shared performances, jam sessions, dancing, and wildflower-walks, at a theater that provides nourishment for body, mind and spirit.


The Other Theatre School - workshop

author: fieldwork project
date: Nov 14, 2007
  2 - 9 of january 2008 The Other Theatre School, workshop and expedition on the lemko - polish borderland (Karpatia)

start 2 of january, Węgajty 19.00
we ask for your declarations till 5 of jan.

the number of places is limited

You who have not been participants of our worshops still please give us information concerning your:

- preparation, experience in the artistic work, participation in workshops
- your interests, ideas, plans...
- your expectations towards workshop in Wegajty and expedition

Price: 400 PLN

november news!

author: fieldwork project
date: Oct 29, 2007
  9 of november 2007


Opowieść o ptakach z gadziej doliny, the theatre performance by children group from the village Gady. Children were participants of the workshop for ecology and art.
Director Marek Wąsik
The idea of the performance is to awaken for the birds from the surrounding area of the village. The village can become a village of the birds.


Ifig and Nanda Troadeg, Folk songs and dances from Bretagne.
Concert and workshop.

This is a part of the "Days of Bretagne" organized by Centrum Polsko Francuskie, Olsztyn.


24 of november 2007


Project "The Supper"
and jam session with Kapela Terenowa and with a special guest.


1 of december 2007

Teatr Węgajty/projekt terenowy in Olsztyn:
Trans-Atlantyk, directed by Wacław Sobaszek, text: Witold Gombrowicz
after the performance Multigotki-Export with the music by Rajd Maszyn

Festival Theatre Village '07 in Wegajty

author: fieldwork project
date: Jul 5, 2007
  Festival Theatre Village '07 in Wegajty

program almost ready!!

Sunday, 22 of July - Sunday, 29 of July...


Festival payments, organization questions... read...

Festival Theatre Village - Workshops!

author: fieldwork project
date: Jul 1, 2007
  Invitation to participation in the workshops:

- Mieczysław Litwiński, Saba Krasoczko: song
- Bogdan Słupczyński: dialogue
- Erdmute Sobaszek - voice, movement, dialogue
- Justyna Wielgus: improvisation


The Węgajty Theatre's workshop

author: fieldwork project
date: May 31, 2007
  Invitation to participation in the workshop of the practical group, 20 - 22 of July 2007

Leading: Justyna Wielgus, Erdmute Sobaszek, Wacław Sobaszek


The Other Theatre School 2006/2007

author: fieldwork project
date: Nov 28, 2006

1) workshop and carolling expedition, Warmia region

28.12.2006 - 1.01.2007

2) workshop and carolling expedition, carpatian region of Beskid Niski

3.01 - 9.01.2007

3) workshop of carneval mask and work on the "Zapusty"-show

13 - 18.02.2007

4) workshop and Easter expedition

4 - 10.04.2007

conditions of participation:
The number of participants is limited.

Please send your declaration not later than 20 days before the beginning of the workshop. If you will take part for the first time in our workshop - please send us a short description of your own experiences, occupations and motivation towards the workshop (in English or German). We will confirm your participation not later than two weeks before the beginning of the workshop.

Payments of the workshops (including bed, meal, supper and travel to the place of expeditions):

1) 140 PLN
2) 190 PLN
3) 200 PLN
4) 220 PLN

For people who take part in the workshops for several times the payment will be lower.

Usefull in every workshop will be: strong and warm shoes (good for every kind of rain and snow), comfortable training clothes. A sleeping bag and a carimat will be necessary specially at the second carolling expedition and at the Easter expedition.

Tenth Anniversary of projekt terenowy

author: fieldwork project
date: Sept 23, 2006
  draft of the program

7th of October

Synczyzna based on Ślub and Trans-Atlantyk of Witold Gombrowicz, directed by Wacław Sobaszek

20.30 - opening of the MUSEUM OF DECADE
that is unconventional exposition of documents from field activity, memorabilia from expeditions and objects such, as: Scottish magical stick, Suryn's Column, Lidka's dragon, playing flowerpot, bucket-bass, very big cutlery, a horse and even a camel, black bird on a stick, tower of tyres and others.

8th of October

Ostatnia taśma Krappa of Samuel Beckett, the performance of Christian Bredholt - a human-legend who was, together with Ute Motz, showing performances of the theatre "Ojfn Weg" at our place, they were also playing music which engraved our memory and was recorded on the cassette "Huljet, huljet, Kinderlech" (published in the end of 90's)

14th of October

about 17.00
(caution! the exact time of the beginning will be announced yet) Missa pagana, outdoor performance of Mieczysław Litwiński based on Edward Stachura's poem.

about 21.00 the art of storytelling, performed by famous storytellers from the group"Studnia O" - Małgorzata Litwinowicz and Beata Frankowska

28th of October

Kalevala - fragmenty niepisane, based on Finnish folk epic, directed by: Wacław Sobaszek

further surprises and attractions of program are in elaboration!

Information about how to get to the theatre is in the fold "how to get there". The people who have still problems with getting here are request to contact with the office of the theatre (089-5129297).

The Anniversary is co-financed from the means of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (Operational Program "Rozwój Inicjatyw Lokalnych) and from the means received from the Ministry of Work and Social Politics within the framework of Government's Program - Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich


Help for Abdel

author: Erdmute Sobaszek
date: Sept 4, 2006
  Thank you - everybody who gave financial support to Abdel Mandili, the victim of the racist atac 22/23 of July at our festival "Theatre Village"! Your quick reaction helped to cover the most urgent costs connected with his stay at the hospital. Until now we collected 1070 zl - about 270 Euro. Abdel still will need medical care. His financial situation is complicated as well, because until now he is not in state to earn money. That's why we decided to continue collecting money.

The number of konto is: 76116022020000000074620178
symbol of country: PL
the name of the bank: Millenium Bank Polska
the adress of the bank:
Aleje Jerozolimskie
02-017 Warszawa

Owner of the konto: Fundacja Migrator Theatre
Please note also the title of the action: Help for Abdel

Thank you!

Erdmute Sobaszek


author: Wacław Sobaszek
date: Aug 1, 2006
  On the 22nd of July 2006 in the square of Wegajty village near the fire station a celebration to end the 4th day of the Wioska Teatralna festival was held. The same day a theatre group Migrator which is composed mostly of refugees living in Poland or trying to get a refugee status has performed in the Wegajty theatre. After a demonstration of capoeira made by local practitioners and their brazilian teacher and after a concert of two music bands, the feast was coming to an end. It was after midnight already. Then suddenly the attack followed. As the hosts of the festival we can claim that on the basis of our own observations and of the police research (today it is a week after the accident) we are sure that the act was a provocation realized by the persons from outside and not the citizens of Wegajty. This provocation was directed not only against the marroccan actor but also against the esense of the theatre activities taking place in the area of the Wegajty village.

It all started in the end of 1995 when at the attics of Wegajty houses we have found old animal masks, the props of earlier ritual theatre, the forgotten tradition of "walking with 'szemel' (the white horse)". We started to reconstruct that ritual form together with the villagers of Wegajty. Around those occurently organised research seminars, new theatre projects and performances inspired by the ritual theatre of Warmia were presented. It is important to mention that there are still many native Warmia citizens now living in Wegajty. From the stage of reconstruction with time we have reached the form of interculturing activities. The conciuosness of local traditions were ment to constitute the basis for meeting the others. The fire station and the square of Wegajty became a stamped ground exactly for this role. For years it has been a place where people from different countries and continents, all four sides of the world met. A year ago someone painted a graffiti on the wall of the fire station: "a multicultured folk group 'wioha' ". The graffiti survived until now. Some may not like it. Especially those who are willing to destroy the dialogue and the openness for other cultures and other human-being.

"The Theatre Village 06" Festival Węgajty

author: fieldwork project
date: Jul 12, 2006
19-26 July

The sketch of the program in permanent evolution



in The Węgajty Theatre

Opening of the festival
Among other things: the promotion of Andrzej Suryn's book, entitled The Messenger of Word, Jokov Publishing 2006 and of Jacek Adamas' sculpture, entitled The Guard

20.00 on the road to Godki

Domograj, a performance of the group "Strażnicy Północy" "Guards of The North" from Godki, based on the stories told by old people from the nearest neighbourhood

21.30 the village square in Godki

music-dancing final of the performance Domograj with participation of the band "Jazgodki", musicians from The Theatre Studio of Cieszyn and "Kapela Terenowa"

THURSDAY, July 20 (all the events in The Węgajty Theatre)


the workshop of projekt terenowy, led by Justyna Wielgus, Erdmute Sobaszek, Wacław Sobaszek


Projekt terenowy 2006 - introduction: Wacław Sobaszek, pictures: Franciszek Staszewski


In stillen Teichen lauern Krokodile (In silent ponds crocodiles lie in wait) a video installation by Marcel Odenbach, dedicated to Rwanda


Kawkaskij priwiet (Greetings from Kaukaz), a performance of The Theatre Studio of Cieszyn, directed by Bogdan Słupczyński


a meeting with the creators of the performance Kawkaskij priwiet, a show of documentary about the work of The Theatre of Cultures Center in Morochowo

FRIDAY, July 21 (all the events in The Węgajty Theatre)


a theatre workshop, led by Katarzyna Regulska, Amy Howard i Christine Fink


Balagan - a documentary about the work of Acco Theare Centre on the Israel-Palestine borderland, author: Andres Veiel prod. Germany 1993 (Caution, the show can be postpone on 23 of July at 23.00)


Paths of the Borderland - the promotion of the book and meeting with the author: Krzysztof Czyżewski


The Chronicles of Sejny, a performance created in "The Center of Borderland of Arts, Cultures and Nations" in Sejny, direction: Bożena Szreder


"The Rough Course of Dancing" - Kapela Terenowa


- in The Węgajty Theatre or on "the circus meadow" in Węgajty

- a workshop of samba, led by Joao Carlos do Nascimento Maria.

17.30 in The Węgajty Theatre

The Race of Stamps, a performance of "The Migrator Theatre", realized by refugees living in Poland, direction: Simon Mol

20.00 at the firehouse in Węgajty

a show of capoeira, led by Joao Carlos do Nascimento Maria


"The Rough Course of Dancing", concert of Kapela Terenowa

SUNDAY, July 23 (all the events in The Węgajty Theatre)


a show of Daniela Altieri's work (Italy)


a meeting with Simon Mol, a poet from Kamerun and director of The Race of Stamps and with the group "Migrator" - discussion



Mice Do Exist, a performance realized by Ola Kosakowska i Janek Sobaszek music.: Wacław Sobaszek, for children and adults on the base of Indian story, "remake" of the performance of "Olsztyn's Studio" from 1981


Theatre games and "The Soft Course of Dancing"- for children


concert for children realized by "Sol et Luna"


Krzysztof Łepkowski - from "Olsztyn's Studio" to "The Guards of the North", recollection: Anna Wyka
Das Carla Chamäleon Nordstadt-Buch - a presentation of the project, realized together with children from The Northern districts of Dortmund, in a large extent inhabited by immigrants of different nations (Basia Szpunier and Emilia Hagelganz).


The performances of Artur Grabowski -DVD show: Polish Menu, Visiting guest, October Fest, Successor

3rd part: TRADITIONS

MONDAY, July 24


a workshop of singing, led by Mieczysław Litwiński


"The Rough Dance Course" - continuation


a meeting with Krzysztof Renik, an expert in the Far-East theatre, a film about Tibetan opera
"Spilling of mandala", a meeting with monks from Tibet: A-Jam Lugzi
and Sherap Dhargye, who are trying to get a refugee status in Poland.


TUESDAY, July 25


a workshop of vocal improvisations, led by Zofia Bartoszewicz


vocal improvisations: meeting-concert with Zofia Bartoszewicz


Multigodki - multimedia-poetic-musical event, realization: "Rajd Maszyn" on the meadow in Godki


We reserve time for some workshop activities, a concept of which will appear during the festival in cooperation with the people who lead the workshops.

Organizers: "The Węgajty Theatre" Associations
The Center of Education and Cultural Initiatives in Olsztyn

Contact and organizational office: 11-042 Jonkowo, Węgajty 18
tel./fax.: +48 089 512 92 97, e-mail:


The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Program "The development of local initiatives"

The Cooperative Bank of Warmia in Jonkowo
The Marshal's Department of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province
Barbara Rang

Festival "Theatre Village" in Węgajty

author: fieldwork project
date: Jul 10, 2006
  19th - 26th of July 2006

The festival events will happen in the space of our theatre center near Węgajty close to the forest, but also in the village itself. What's important for us is the traditional culture in several aspects - its meaning in the local and international context and its changes in our postmodern times. The themes of theatre performances and other festival meetings will be problems of neighbourhood and ethnic conflicts but also the "borderland existing inside us", our own experience with meeting the Other.

Our guests will be people who are working in the sphere of borderlands: The Cieszyn Theatre Studio will show us the newest spectacle Kawkaskij priwiet ("Greetings from Caucasus"). We will have occasion to see the legendary spectacle Kroniki sejnenskie ("The Sejny Cronicles") created in the Borderland Centre in Sejny, hopefully also the "Migrator Theatre", a group of imigrants living in Poland. The title of their performance is Rasa pieczątek ("The Race of the Rubber Stamps"). A special event will be the open air play Domograj by "Strażnicy północy", the group working in our neighbourhood. We organizers, the Theatre Węgajty/projekt terenowy would show the second part of the spectacle Synczyzna ("Sonland") under the title Trans-Atlantyk, an adaptation of Witold Gombrowicz's novel. Also our newest theatre work, a play for children Myszy istnieją ("Mice do exist"). The festival will be the occasion to open up one of our new projects for children: Theatrical pedagogic activities. At the beginning two animators from Dortmund, Barbara Szpunier and Emilia Hagelganz , will lead a theatre workshop for the village kids and will tell us about the project "Carla Chamaeleon Nordstadt Buch" realized in Dortmund.

That's not all. We plan also a meeting with the emigrants from Tibet, film projections, a dance-feast in the village (in the famous fire-house), an open air multimedial event. We will introduce two extraordinary books: Posłaniec słowa by Andrzej Suryn and The Path of the Borderland by Krzysztof Czyżewski at 21th of July and the meeting with the author We invite also to take part at the theatre workshops, wich are organized in the time of the festival. The exact programme of the workshops will be biuld up soon. Please look at our website next week and contact us if you need more information.

A Different School of Theatre In Wegajty

author: fieldwork project
date: Jan 31, 2006
Stage 3 of Zapusty

07/02/06- 12/02/06

* Traditional creatures and masks of the winter cycle
* Traditional songs
* Creation of new masks and scenarios for the eternally developing annual performance of "Ostatki Zapusty"

The idea behind "Ostatki Zapusty" is based on the movement of rural ritual theatre forms into the urban environment. Firstly, throughout December and January, we make carolling expeditions to far and remote areas in the border regions and in the mountains. Then, in the village area and the space of the homestead, there is a revitalizing theatre of tremendous energy.

By performing this Zapusty ritual we seek to leave visible footprints of this energy in vital points of the urban space. These are such places as hostels for the homeless, Nursing Homes, homes for the infirm and elderly, psychiatric hospitals, prisons etc.

The musical, choreographic and artistic motifs come from different cultures, beliefs and religions. This is why we call this kind of performance 'syncretic'.

The period of Carnival/Zapusty is a time of transformations when the old times are transformed into the new. We bring to life these old scenes using the animal figures of the Historic and ethnographic value, such as the 'Szemel" the warmian white hobby horse, and the 'koza', wild goat. However, with the help of young adepts, we annually create new masks and improvisations.

Beginning of Workshop: 07/02/06 19.00hrs

Finish: 12/02/06 around 13.00hrs

Cost: 250 zloty (this includes evening accommodation and half board (dinner and supper), small donation towards the cost of organization. For previous participants of this project, we look forward to offering a 20% discount.

Please bring with you loose clothes (and some warm clothes), strong shoes and a sleeping bag.

Bookings and confirmations to be made by 25/01/06.

People who have not previously participated in " Different School of Theatre" are also requested to supply a small note about their previous experiences and interests.

We will confirm your booking by e-mail, by 27th of January.

Colenda-workshop and expedition

author: fieldwork project
date: Dec 15, 2005
  Participation in colenda is a sort of come back to the beginning. We teach beginners, we learn too. To be close to the world of children imagination. This is not obvious. Material we will use is contained in the carrols. There is also another material in the carrols, connected with problems of the adult world, so we hope not to become infantile. Where we will make colenda? The true village does not exist anymore. This area is very reduced and changed into "terra del rimorso", where only old, lonely, ill people live. There is much to do on this area. First of all the material of carrols, dances, colenda dialogues, contain a remedy against depression of the people. Secondly we think also of reasons of the situation. The etnic conflicts actually did not finish, people did not solve them. Conflicts continue to live under the surface. It will have a special meaning to use in such places our repertoire. It is a repertoire we collected during years, a syncretic one, mixing motifs from cultural borderlands. The particular oikumene is possible, but rather a seculiar than religious one.

Now the dates:

The first stage of the project starts in Wegajty at 28th of December at 5 p.m. and lasts till 31th. On this day we will make colenda in the neigbourhood village.

The second stage begins at 3th of January in Wegajty and moves to a carpathian village on 6th of January, lasting to the 8th of the same month.

We ask you to send a declaration which stage you would prefere to choose. We can possibly offer only one of the stages, because the number of names on the list is already too long. Probably we also will negotiate the dates if needed. Please send your declarations till 10 of December. Give as much comunication possibilities as possible, mobiles, maile etc.

first stage - 45 Euro, including bed, lunch and supper (The participants buy the breakfeast themselves)
second stage - ca 65 Euro (the precise cost depends on the travel cost to the carpathian region)

You will need: a sleeping-bag, strong shoes and warm clothes. For the second stage a carimat is necessary.

Theatre Village '05

author: fieldwork project
date: Jul 10, 2005


Kalevala, unwritten fragments - the Theatre Węgajty presentation directed by Wacław Sobaszek (in the Węgajty theatre building)

Opening Celebration of the Festival in the Węgajty village square. Rough dance course. Live music by Kapela Terenowa and guests.



"Improvisations" - workshop with Justyna Wielgus (Theatre Węgajty/projekt terenowy)

Zenkasi Theatre presentation, meeting with its founders: Katarzyna Bazarnik and Zenon Fajfer (Cracow); describing the work with disabled actors

"In the Circle of the Kalevala Songs" demonstration by Kaisla Kaastrasalo (Teatrum Fennicum Laboratory, Helsinki)

Droga żywiecka (The Żywiec Way) - Theatre Studio from Cieszyn, play directed by Bogdan Słupczyński



theatre workshop by Kaisla Kaatrasalo; performance art workshop by Paweł Górecki

Das eine Gefühl, a meeting with the author of a cycle of poems, Barbara Rang

Ascetica - theatre performance of 'work in progress' by Omma Studio and the group Ierapetra from Crete. Play based on Nikos Kazantakis' book, directed by Antonis Diamantis

rough dance course - open workshop by Kapela Terenowa



theatre workshop by Kaisla Kaatrasalo; performance art workshop by Paweł Górecki

Resist - the Polish premiere of Dirk Szuszies' film about the Living Theater; following the film: Aldik - a performance by Jan Sobaszek (Węgajty/Berlin)

"Persian stories" told by Saba and Mieczysław Litwiński relating their trip to Iran (music, poetry, traditional theatre, everyday life). A film of an urban folk passion play Ta'aziya.



theatre workshop by Kaisla Kaatrasalo; performance art workshop by Paweł Górecki

Gendos' singing workshop (Gennady Tchamzyryn, Tuva)

rough dance course open workshop by Kapela Terenowa



workshop led by Gennady Tchamzyryn - Gendos

demonstration of the Flamenco workshop led by Metody Wawrzyniec Rietsch (Lusatia region) assisted by Marta Łepkowska

The Theatre Village closing ceremony in the main square in Węgajty village
- Milon Mela: a parade of the Hindu group
- Bewitching the frogs - an open-air performance by Wioha "Theatre Under the Linen Sky" from Dąbrowa Dolna with the participation of children from Węgajty; written by Alicja Imiołek, staging by Krzysztof Wrona
- workshop groups' presentations



workshop led by Gennady Tchamzyryn - Gendos

final discussions, analyses, sum-ups


The Centre for Education and Cultural Initiatives
"Theatre Węgajty" Association


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